Official Rules



By entering the Contest, each Entrant  hereby acknowledges that his or her Entry and all other materials of every kind whatsoever created by Entrant relating to the Contest (collectively, the “Work”) are a “work made for hire” (as that term is used in the United States Copyright Act) for Sponsor, and Sponsor is the sole and exclusive owners, in perpetuity and throughout the universe, of all rights, title and interest in and to the Work, including without limitation all copyrights in and to the Work (and all renewals and extensions thereof now or hereafter provided by law) and all the rights therein and thereto, and may exploit the Work (and all rights therein) in any manner throughout the world without restriction on a gratis basis. Without limiting the binding effect of any of the foregoing provisions, in the event that any part of the Work is not deemed to be a “work made for hire” for the Sponsor, and Entrant  hereby irrevocably and exclusively grants and assigns to Sponsor (or, if any applicable law prohibits or restricts such assignment), Entrant hereby grants to Sponsor an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable license of) on a gratis basis all rights, title and interest in and to such Work, including, without limitation, all rights of every kind and nature (whether now known or hereafter devised, including all copyrights therein and thereto and all renewals and extensions thereof), throughout the universe, in perpetuity, for all purposes, in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter devised.  Entrant hereby waives all so-called “moral rights of authors” and “droit moral” rights (and any similar or analogous rights under the applicable laws of any country of the world). Entrants agree and acknowledge that no public performance, synchronization, mechanical, publishing and/or master use royalties, monies or consideration of any kind will be payable in connection with each Sponsor’s use of the Work, whether commercial use or otherwise, in any and all media, whether now known or hereafter devised.

ELIGIBILITY: The Contest is open to legal U.S. residents residing in one of the 50 United States or District of Columbia and legal residents of Canada (excluding the Province of Québec) who are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in the  jurisdiction of their residence at the time of entry, whichever is older,  (collectively referred to herein as “Entrant” or “Entrants”). The Contest is sponsored by Jukin Media, Inc. (the “Sponsor”), a Trusted Media Brands company, and the owner of The Pet Collective. Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor, Ventura Associates International LLC (the “Contest Administrator”), and their parent companies, affiliates, subsidiary companies, judging agents and promotion partners, and their immediate families (parents, children, siblings, spouse) or members of the same household (whether related or not) of such employees/officers/directors are not eligible to enter or win (collectively the “Contest Entities”).  The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws, and regulations. Void in the province of Quebec, Canada and where prohibited by law or otherwise regulated. All federal, state, provincial or local laws and regulations apply.

For purposes of these Official Rules (“Rules”), all times and days are US Eastern Time (“ET”) as recognized in the United States. The Sponsor’s computer is the official time keeping device for this Contest; and the awarding of any Prize is subject to the eligibility and forfeiture provisions set forth herein

ENTRY PERIOD: You may enter the Contest from the period commencing at 12:00 AM ET on 9/16/24 and ending at 11:59 PM ET on 11/15/24 (the “Entry Period”).

HOW TO ENTER:  To enter the Contest, each Entrant must submit a three (3)-minute (or less) video (“Video”) of his or her pet performing its talent within the video, and in no less than 50 words and no more than 200 words, a description of the pet’s talent (“Essay”), including telling us what makes it unique and why your pet deserves to be named the World’s Most Talented Pet. Enter the Contest by visiting  and follow all onscreen instructions to upload your Video and submit your entry during the Entry Period. The aforementioned entry process, Essay and Video are collectively referred herein as the “Entry.”  The Video may not exceed 270 MB. Once you submit your Entry, your submission is considered final and may not be modified or edited. Limit: Entrants can submit more than one (1) Entry. However, each Entry must be original – featuring a different talent/performance. Duplicate Entries will be disregarded and only the first one will be accepted and judged. Entries are subject to all notices posted online including each Sponsor’ privacy policies. Multiple entrants are not permitted to share the same email address. All Entries, requests and/or materials submitted become the property of Sponsor and will not be returned or acknowledged. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, damaged, delayed, garbled, illegible, incomplete, or misdirected entries.

All Entries must be created by a natural person without the benefit of computer scripts, automated processes or Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) generated or edited images; if there is any question to whether a given computer process qualifies as AI, Sponsor, at its sole and absolute discretion, will decide the Entry’s eligibility. The Entry must meet all specifications set forth by Sponsor in these Rules, including, without limitation, format, and any other specifications.

The Sponsor reserves the right to prescreen the submitted Entries and to disqualify any Entry for any reason. The Sponsor is under no obligation to disclose why an Entry has been disqualified other than the Entry was ineligible under these Rules. Entrants also agree that the Sponsor shall have no obligation to post or utilize your Entry, that all such postings, if any, will be in the Sponsor’ sole discretion and that the posting or utilization of an Entry does not guarantee the Entry will be selected as a winner. 

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS/LIMITATIONS: By submitting the Entry, you hereby represent that you have personally made this Entry and have all rights necessary to submit the Entry, distribute the Entry throughout any social media, and to grant to Sponsor all the rights set forth herein.

You, the Entrant, must have the written consent of any individual who appeared in the Entry and/or contributed to the making of your Entry. They must grant you, the Entrant, the right to include them in the Entry. You and any of the aforementioned individual(s) must consent to the Entry and the Rules, and must consent to the use of the same in the Contest and to its use as set forth herein. If an Entry is deemed a Finalist Entry, the Entrant that submitted the Entry may be required, at any time, to provide Sponsor with evidence of all such written permission(s) and authorizations immediately upon request, and if unable to provide permission(s), Entrant’s Entry may be disqualified.

The Entry must be your original work and must not infringe the copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or any other intellectual property right of any person or entity. The Entry may not contain trademarks, logos, or trade dress (such as distinctive packaging or building exteriors/interiors) owned by others, without prior permission. The Entry may not contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses or street addresses.

Entries that contain obscenity, offensive language and/or acts, images or symbols, or depictions of a sexual nature, and/or content that is violent or derogatory of any animal, ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional, or age group, or other inappropriate content (in each case as determined by Sponsor), that are not in keeping with Sponsor’ image, that are otherwise inappropriate, that do not adhere to these Rules, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, will automatically be disqualified. Entries that do not include all required information and do not adhere to the foregoing and following requirements will be considered void. Furthermore, each Entrant acknowledges and agrees that Sponsor may receive many Entries in this Contest and that such other Entries may be similar or identical in theme, idea, format or other respects to Entrant’s Entry and Entrant waives any and all claims Entrant may have had, may have, and/or may have in the future that any composition, other Entries, and/or ideas accepted, reviewed and/or used by the Sponsor and its affiliates, or their respective officers, directors, employees and agents may be similar to or the same as their Entry.

You, the Entrant, represent and warrant that: (i) you are the sole and exclusive owner of the Entry and all rights in and to the Entry including all intellectual property rights; (ii) no rights in the Entry have previously been granted to any person, firm, corporation or other entity or otherwise exercised or exploited; (iii) the Entry has not won any previous awards or prize, and (iv) the full use of the Entry or any part thereof will not in any way violate or infringe upon any copyright (statutory or otherwise), constitute a libel or defamation of or an invasion of the rights of privacy or publicity of, or otherwise violate or infringe upon any other personal property or other rights of any person, firm, corporation or other entity, or subject Sponsor to any costs or liability of any kind or nature whatsoever. You may be required, at any time, to provide Sponsor with evidence of all such written permission(s) and authorizations within seven (7) calendar days upon request, or you may be disqualified and rendered ineligible to receive a prize in this Contest. Potential Winners must complete an Affidavit or Release relating to eligibility and publicity (see details and definitions below).

If the Sponsor believes that the Entry does not comply with these Rules or that the Entry infringes upon the copyright, or other rights of any third party, the Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any Entry at any time. The Sponsor’s decision regarding the Entries is final and binding and not subject to challenge or appeal.

 JUDGING: Round 1: During Round 1, all eligible Entries received during the Entry Period will be reviewed and scored by a Sponsor-appointed panel of judges consisting of employees of Sponsor and potentially other independent qualified experts (“Judges”).

All eligible Entries will be judged based on the following judging criteria: originality of talent (30%), difficulty (25%) and “wow factor” (45%), collectively, the “Judging Criteria.” Note: For the purposes of these Rules, the “wow factor” is defined as something jaw-dropping, surprising, unexpected, leaving the judges speechless.

The top scoring twelve (12) scoring Entries as determined by the judges will be deemed Finalists. Finalists who thereafter become Winners according to the Notification Process below will be awarded $500 each.

During Round 2, the judges will rejudge the twelve (12) top scoring Entries using the aforementioned Judging Criteria to determine the Grand Prize winner who will win $5,000 and the title of World’s Most Talented Pet.

TIES: In the event of a tie at any stage of the judging, the Entry from among the tied Entries, with the highest score for “wow factor” score will win.

Neither Sponsor, nor anyone acting on its behalf, will engage in communications with any Entrant and/or Finalist regarding the Contest and/or Entry other than to notify a potential Finalist or the Grand Prize Winner. The decision of the Judges shall be final and binding.

NOTIFICATION PROCESS: For the avoidance of doubt, Finalists, and the Grand Prize winner (collectively, each a “Potential Winner(s)”) will be notified by email (“Email Notification”) to the email address associated with their Entry to inform them of their standing in the Contest. Notified Potential Winner(s) must reply to this Email Notification within seven (7) calendar days and must complete and return all of the following (i) an Affidavit or Declaration of Eligibility and Liability Release (“Affidavit”) and a (ii) Publicity Release (“Release”) and all of which are required within seven (7) calendar days of the date on which the email notification was transmitted.  A Potential Winner who completes the required documents and whose documents are reviewed by the Contest Administrator and declared to have met the requirements in the rules will be declared a “Winner.”

At the sole discretion of the Sponsor, disqualification of a Potential Winner may result from any of the following reasons, including, without limitation: (i) a Potential Winner’s failure to respond to the Email Notification within seven (7) calendar days after its transmission; (ii) the return of an Email Notification as undeliverable; (iii) a Potential Winner’s failure to execute and return an Affidavit (or Declaration), and the Release, within seven (7) calendar days of date of transmission; (iv) a Potential Winner’s failure to provide Sponsor with satisfactory proof of eligibility, and (v) any other non-compliance with these Rules. In the event of a disqualification or prize forfeiture, the Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may determine or not determine an alternate Potential Winner (time permitting) for the forfeited prize. A Potential Winner is not entitled to receive a prize until the potential Winner has been (i) verified (ii) notified as above (iii) and is notified of successfully completing this entire process by the Sponsor or its Contest Administrator and is declared a Winner. If the prize won is valued at $600 or more, any U.S. Winner will be required to furnish his/her Social Security number to the Contest Administrator and an IRS Form 1099-MISC will be filed in the name of Winner for the value of the prize. For non-U.S. winners: 30% of the prize value may be withheld pursuant to IRS regulations.

PRIZES: One (1) Grand Prize: $5,000.00. (12) Finalist Winner Prizes: $500.00 each. All prizes will be awarded in USD and as a corporate check within sixty (60) days of winner verification. Maximum value of all prizes: $11,000.00. Prize Limit:  One (1) Finalist Winner prize per household. Sponsor will not replace any lost or stolen Prize. No transfer (except to a surviving spouse), or substitution of prize except at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Except where prohibited by law, by accepting a prize, each winner consents to the use of his/her/their name, prize won, photograph, likeness, statements, city and state of residence for publicity or advertising purposes in all media worldwide, including but not limited to Sponsor and its affiliates websites and social platforms (“Websites”), without limitation and without further compensation or notice.

CONSENT AND RELEASE: To the fullest extent possible in law, Entrants, and on behalf of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns (“Releasing Parties”), release, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties from any and all actions, causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, variances, trespasses, lost profits, indirect or direct damages, consequential damages, incidental damages, punitive or exemplary damages, judgments, extent, executions, claims and demands whatsoever, in law, admiralty or equity, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, against Released Parties which any one or more of the Releasing Parties ever had, now have or hereafter can, shall or may have which in any way arise out of or result from Entrant’s participation, acceptance and use or misuse of prize, including property damage, personal injury or death. Nothing in these Rules shall limit in any way any party’s liability under U.S. law for death or personal injury caused by its negligence. Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer, administration of the Contest or in the announcement of prizes or for any suspension of the Contest or inability to implement the Contest or award prizes as contemplated herein due to any event beyond its control, including delays or interruptions caused by acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather, utility outages, acts of terrorism or any federal, state, or local government law, order, or regulation, order of any court or regulator. This Contest shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of California, U.S.A. without regard to its conflicts of law’s provisions. Any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with this Contest, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. ANY CLAIMS, JUDGMENTS AND/OR AWARDS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE ACTUAL OUT-OF-POCKET COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ENTERING THIS CONTEST. PARTICPANT HEREBY WAIVES ANY RIGHTS OR CLAIMS TO LEGAL FEES, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF PARTICPANT, WHETHER FORESEEABLE OR NOT AND WHETHER BASED ON NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE.

PERSONAL INFORMATION & PRIVACY: Information collected from Entrants is subject to Sponsor’ Privacy Policy located at the The information Sponsor collects is stored and processed on servers in the United States. Participation in the Contest implies authorization to collect, process and use the data provided concerning the Entrant and to transfer such personal data to the United States for purposes of management of the Contest and future offers for any entrant that has opted-in to receive such offers. Any requested opt-in consent is not required and will not increase your chances of winning. To opt-out of the Contest and/or modify information, visit Sponsor’s privacy policies in these Rules.

GENERAL: By entering the Contest, each Entrant affirms that s/he has read, understands, and accepted these Rules. In the event of any conflict between these Rules and any Websites terms of service, these Rules shall govern with respect to all matters related to this Contest. Any information collected by entering the Contest shall be used only in a manner consistent with these Rules and Sponsor’s privacy policy. The Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest if fraud, technical failures, or any other factor beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control impairs the integrity of the Contest, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. In such a situation, the Sponsor reserves the right to award prizes from among the eligible, non-suspect Entries received up to the time of the impairment. The Sponsor is not responsible for error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate transmission of, or failure to receive entry information by Sponsor on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof. The Sponsor are not responsible for any injury or damage to an Entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from downloading any materials associated with the Contest. CAUTION: Any attempt by an Entrant to deliberately damage the Contest website or undermine the legitimate operations of the Contest is a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made; the Sponsor reserve the right to seek damages from any such Entrant to the fullest extent permitted by law.

DISPUTES: This Contest is subject solely to the applicable federal, state and local laws of the United States and is not subject to any laws outside of the United States; provided, however, that, except where prohibited, by participating in the Contest, each entrant (or a parent or legal guardian if entrant is a minor) agrees that: (a) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or any prize awarded shall be resolved exclusively by final and binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association in an arbitration to be held at the AAA regional office nearest one of the Sponsor where the Federal Arbitration Act shall govern the interpretation, enforcement and all proceedings at such arbitration; (b) a  judgment upon any such arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction; (c) to the degree any dispute, claim or cause of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or any prize awarded is not subject to arbitration, then it shall be adjudicated exclusively by the appropriate Federal or state courts located in California, U.S.A; (d) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (e) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Contest, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (f) under no circumstances will Entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and Entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses.  All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Rules, or the rights and obligations of the Entrant and the Sponsor in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of California or any other jurisdiction) which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of California .

WINNER’S LIST: For the results of the Contest (available after February 28, 2025): visit The World’s Most Talented Pets contest winner’s page by March 31, 2025.

SPONSOR: Jukin Media, Inc.  5764 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016.

CONTEST ADMINISTRATOR: Ventura Associates International LLC, 494 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10001.

TRADEMARKS: All trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective trademark owners, who are not the Sponsor of this Contest, nor do they have any responsibilities regarding its conduct or administration.

This Contest is in no way promoted, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with any social media entity. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Contest must be directed to the Sponsor or the Contest Administrator, and not to any social media entity.